Here are some tips on using Instagram for your business
Instagram is a great way to grow your business, no matter how big or how small. This social media platform is best for targeting teens and young adults, as 75% of 18-24 year olds use Instagram! While Facebook might be the most widely used platform, younger generations have started to stray from Facebook and have made Instagram a significant social media platform.
Here are some tips for building your business on Instagram!
Try Instagram Stories – These posts are located directly under the Instagram logo when you open the app. Because these are the first things you see, it’s important to use Stories often to catch your followers’ attention!
1. Use stories to capture the “behind the scenes” of your business! Try posting the creation process or small details that go into your daily work. Get your audience familiar with all of the hard work that you do!
2. Experiment and get creative! Instagram Stories don’t always have to be as high quality as your regular posts, so try messing around with the options on your Stories. Short videos, Boomerangs, and gifs are just a few of the eye-catching choices to choose from.
3. Keep your Stories updated in your Story Highlights. These appear on your profile just below your bio. Interested clients can easily access these and view your business’s past stories!
Interesting Profile – It’s important that your profile highlights your business. Frequently update and add to your profile to keep potential clients involved and up to date!
1. Update the link in your bio regularly. It doesn’t need to be just for your business website. You can change this website to encourage customers to download apps, sign up for events, or purchase products or services.
2. Use hashtags. This helps categorize your posts, reach a targeted audience, and help interested Instagram users find your posts! Add hashtags to the end of your posts or in your bio.