Here are some tips on designing a website for your business
Your website can be the most important aspect of your business! Its a place that should contain all information on your business, products, and services as well as contact information and social media. However, websites can be confusing to navigate and even harder to create… here are some simple tips to make your website as effective as possible!
1. Link your bio to your homepage to save your customers from clicking around too much! You want to make the website as easy to navigate as possible.
2. Make sure your menu is prominent and easy to find. Try to structure your websites menu according to the importance of each section. Again, you want to make your website as easy as possible to navigate and help your clients find what they’re looking for.
3. Your footer is just as important as the rest of your website. It contains important links and contact information. Include buttons that link to your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and any other social media platform that you use. Also be sure to include your contact e-mail, phone number, and business address.