Printful Threads E-Commerce Conference Review

Last week, New York Marketing attended Printfuls free online conference. It was called Printful Threads Marketing Crash Course for E-commerce Stores, during which they introduced 9 great speakers over 3 days.

Today, we will be reviewing the first day of the conference and discussing what we learned from the speakers. This day was titled “Picking Your Audience and Creating Your First Marketing Strategy.”

Marc Guberti was the first to speak and gave a presentation titled “How Niche Can You Go?” Marc encourages a starting business to find their niche and run with it. A niche relates to a product, service, or interest that appeals to a small or specialized audience. By building your brand on a niche, you are subject to less competition and yield better engagement on your content. Better yet, create what Marc calls a “super niche” by combining two niches into one! Super niche audiences are more valuable for super niche offers from other brands and influencers.

Are you afraid of going too niche? Marc encourages you to think of the long term with these questions…

-Can you stay in this business for a decade?
-Can you create enough content in that time frame?
-Is this concept proven, or can it make money?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, you are definitely not too niche.

The second speaker was Asaf Rothem from Wix, who talked about “How to Sell to People Who Have Never Heard About You.” Asaf stresses that building trust with your consumers is important. You can do this by…

-Having a clear concept
– Quality photos of your product
– “About Us” page
– Easily accessed contact information
– FAQ page
-Social proof and testimonies from satisfied customers

Asaf also gave us valuable information on how to seek out new customers as well. He recommends using SEO, or search engine optimization, to help people find your website. Customize your posts meta tags, structure your data and create patterns in your content.

Asaf also encourages you to create ads for your business. When making ads for Google, you should focus on intent. When creating ads for Facebook or other social media, focus on engaging visuals to draw in potential consumers.

Next, he talked about how to increase your sales. Did you know that 80% of shoppers will abandon their online shopping cart? Asaf says by re-engaging these people with “abandoned cart offers”, you can automatically bring back up to 10% of them. The most popular way to bring these shoppers back is by email, text messages, and auto chats on Facebook.

Asaf also encourages trying to create repeat shoppers with email marketing. You can build your list of emails by offering a coupon for signing up to your site visitors. You also don’t want to annoy your customers, so only email them when you have something to offer such as holiday deals, special offers, and discounts.

 kaeraz owner Kaeli Day was the last presenter of the first day of the conference. Kaeli started her brand from the ground up and gave us lots of tips on how to “Find Your Niche in the Wild West of E-Commerce.”

She explains that having a strong brand logo is important and helps consumers recognize and become loyal to your brand. She encourages putting your logo and imagery on everything so people can find you easily.

Kaeli promoted her brand by using influencers. In exchange for her products, these influences would promote her brand to their large audience. Influencers have the power to affect purchasing decisions based on their position and authority on social media.